Leak Detection

Swimming Pool Leak Detection in Perth, WA

JMC Poolcare specialises in electronic pool leak detection for both residential and commercial swimming pools. We utilise state of the art equipment to detect and repair leaking pools and spas. In the local climate here in Perth, you will find yourself losing an average of 8mm to evaporation a day depending on weather factors such as wind, humidity and temperature.

If you find yourself filling your pool more frequently than normal, the following signs can indicate a leak in your pool:

  • Wet areas around your pool
  • Erosion in the soil near your pool
  • Moisture near your pool equipment (pump, filter, heating)
  • Visible cracks or tears

A simple test can be conducted by placing a bucket of water next to your pool, marking both the bucket and your pool at the waterline and comparing the evaporation rate. We use sonar leak detection equipment, to accurately locate the source of any leaks in your pool or spa.

We also provide pressure testing services to locate any leaks within your pool system. Similarly, air leaks in your pool equipment can also be located with pressure testing. Air leaks within your pool system are often demonstrated by air bubbles coming out of the return lines (jets) within your pool.

Failing to detect and repair air leaks within your pool equipment can lead to serious damage.

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