In a country as hot and humid as ours, swimming pools are a national institution. It’s easy for us to think of our pools and the spaces around them as purely functional. Here are five different beautifully designed pools from around the world to inspire your outdoor aquatic space.
1. Caesar’s Palace Las Vegas
What better pool to start with than the ‘Garden of the Gods Oasis’ at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas. Beautiful sparkling pools surrounded by Romanesque columns and statues – something totally unique and luxurious. You can easily take inspiration from the Roman theme to the pool when decorating your pool area with statues and fountains.
2. Burj Al-Arab Infinity Pool
This beautiful infinity pool sits within the Burj Al-Arab hotel 150 meters above the ground. This opulent pool is accented by beautiful mosaics. Take some inspiration from the blue and gold theme of the walls and the furniture to add exotic flavor to your own pool.
3. Shangri-La Hotel Pool
This beautiful pool is a great example of tropical luxury. It’s beautifully landscapes, features small spas and features a few water fountains to boot. You can take inspiration from this pristine pool by incorporating palms and other tropical fauna in your landscaping – and why not add a floating fountain?
4. St Regis Resort Lhasa Golden Energy Pool
The beautiful Golden Energy Pool at the St Regis Resort Lhasa is quite literally tiled with gold. Thousands of gold-plated tiles line the inside of this pool creating its unique colour and an aspect of absolute luxury. While you may not be able to afford a pool tiled with gold, what you can take from the Golden Energy Pool is the simplicity and symmetry of it and the beautiful wooden accents.
5. Katikies Hotel, Santorini
This beautiful pool is carved right into the Santorini Caldera. It has beautiful white-washed walls, white furniture and white accents to inspire you with a clean, bright Mediterranean look. Also – note the beautiful curves of the pools. If you’re looking at installing a swimming pool, you don’t need to just have a rectangle! Take inspiration from these beautiful shapes seen at the Katikies Hotel pool.