Last Updated: May 20 2016
When it comes down to it, every pool owner has their own opinions and ideas on how to maintain a clean and healthy swimming pool. As a result, there are quite a few myths floating around (pardon the pun) about pool care.
That”s why in this post, we”re going to be busting a few of these swimming pool maintenance myths and sifting through the misinformation.
1. Pools Are Expensive To Run & Aren”t Energy Efficient.
A common misconception about swimming pools is that they aren”t energy efficient. At one point this was true – running a pool pump would cost almost as much as running an air conditioner. Modern swimming pool pumps and filters are lot more energy efficient than their primitive predecessors. The energy efficient, variable speed pumps available now will ensure you minimize both your electricity bill and your impact on the environment.
If you use a solar cover in conjunction with an energy efficient pump, you can reduce evaporation, retain heat and keep your pool clean – reducing your power and water costs!
2. Drain Your Pool To Clean It
If you”ve got green pool water and problems with algae, it makes sense to drain the water to scrub it down before refilling it, right?
Well, think again. Draining your swimming pool can cause serious damage to its walls. This is especially true on older pools and vinyl lined pools which may not have the structural integrity to withstand the pressure of the dirt when the water is no longer there to push against it. It can be noted that many modern pools are have been designed to not have this issue.
The best way to clean a green pool is to shock the water, give it a good vacuuming and brush the pool walls. If this seems a difficult or if you’ve limited time, we provide pool water testing and cleaning.
3. Saltwater Pools Don”t Need Chemicals
This seems to be a really common myth. Often pool-owners consider converting their existing chlorine pool to a salt water swimming pool as they believe they won’t need additional chemicals to keep their water healthy. A salt water swimming pool uses the process of electrolysis to separate the sodium in the dissolved salt from the chlorine. Yes – a salt water pool is still a chlorine pool, it just generates the chlorine itself.
As such, your salt water pool still needs to have properly balanced pH levels and alkalinity along with regular shocking to keep the water from becoming cloudy.
4. A Strong Smell Means Your Pool Is Clean
This is an interesting myth and one not often addressed. We often think that if the smell of chlorine is strong near a pool that that means the water is very clean. Unfortunately, the reason for the strong smell is quite a lot more unpleasant.
When we swim in our pools, perspiration, body oils and cosmetics get into the water. The chlorine combines with these contaminates and creates ‘chloramines’, and this is what causes the very strong ‘chlorine’ smell. It’s actually recommended to shower with soap before getting into your pool.
*Please note that your pool will emit a very faint odour even if it is very clean, so unless it’s a very pungent smell don’t worry.
So, those are some of the most common and interesting myths we hear. If you know any more or have any questions about the topics covered here, feel free to post in the comments below!\r\n’